How to cancel a BigQuery Job that is running in a Magnus Workflow?
Non-admin users can cancel BigQuery jobs that are created by the users themselves. For example, if userA is running a workflow and within that workflow, there is a long running BQ job. UserA can cancel that BQ job within Magnus UI.
As admin, you can cancel any BigQuery jobs.
Important: You must have permission to cancel BQ jobs in the billing project of the BQ job.
- Enable Advanced Admin, and click on [Workflow History] to open up History Browser
- Type the workflow Id in the Workflow ID textbox, enclosed in quotes since we want an exact match.
- Select [All Workflows] in the dropdown
- Locate the execution that you want to kill, and click on the details icon.
- Locate the BigQuery Task with the running BQ job and click on the BQ Job ID.
- Identify the billing project of this BQ job. Make sure that you have permission to cancel job in that billing project.
- Click on Cancel Job button at the bottom.