Magnus Dashboard and it's features can be found here.
Below lists sections applicable for Admins.
Admins have additional options in Magnus Dashboard. The options are primarily focused on the toolbar and consist of being able to specify a user or see all activity for their organization.
Toolbars by Organization
Admins have the option to view their organization's activity in each dashboard.
Timeline Toolbar
The timeline toolbar provides options for retrieving workflows to visualize.
Selecting Org allows admins to display workflows by all users. User Roles options are not available when selecting by Org.
Failed Toolbar
The failed toolbar provides options for retrieving workflows that failed within the period.
Selecting Org will display all failed workflows for the organization within the period.
Inventory Toolbar
Admins have an option to view inventory by organization.
The Inventory dashboard toolbar includes a jump to sections.
When viewing the organization's inventory sections include Summary, Usage, Workflows, Triggers, and Users.
Recent Changes Toolbar
Admins have an option to view recent changes by organization.
Selecting Org will display all recent changes for the organization's workflows within the period.
Toolbars by User
Admins have the option to view a specific user's activity.
Type the user's name and click the retrieve button.
If the user's name is left blank it will default to the current, signed in user.
Timeline Toolbar
The timeline toolbar provides options for retrieving workflows to visualize.
Selecting User allows admins to display workflows by the specified user and select User Roles for that user.
Failed Toolbar
The failed toolbar provides options for retrieving workflows that failed within the period.
Selecting User will display failed workflows for the specified user within the period.
Inventory Toolbar
Admins have an option to view inventory by a specific user.
The Inventory dashboard toolbar includes a jump to sections.
When viewing a user's inventory, sections include Summary, Usage, Owned Workflows, Delegated Workflows, and Triggers.
Recent Changes Toolbar
Admins have an option to view recent changes by a specific user.
Selecting User will display all recent changes for the user's workflows within the period.
Dashboard Admin/User Differences
Timeline Dashboard
The display and available sections for the timeline dashboard are the same regardless if Org or User is selected.
Org will show activity for all users.
User will show activity for the specified user.
Failed Dashboard
The available sections for the failed dashboard are the same regardless if Org or User is selected.
Org will show all activity for all users.
User will show activity for the specified user.
Inventory Dashboard
When viewing the organization's inventory, sections include Summary, Usage, Workflows, Triggers, and Users.
When viewing a user's inventory, sections include Summary, Usage, Owned Workflows, Delegated Workflows, and Triggers.
Details for some organization and all of the user's section can be found in Magnus Dashboard.
Organization Specific Inventory Sections
Workflows displays a list of workflows for the organization. The list includes workflow name, workflow, owner, if the workflow is enabled, when it was created, when it was last modified, the last time it ran, how many days until the schedule expires, the schedule date it started, and the date the schedule will end.
Users displays an organization's user list. The list includes the account name, how many workflows the user owns, how many workflows the user is a delegate, how many triggers the user owns, the last time a user's workflow was executed, and the number of days the user's inventory was last active.
Recent Changes Dashboard
The available sections for the failed dashboard are the same regardless if Org or User is selected.
Org will show recent changes for all users for the given period.
User will show recent changes for the specified user.