Magnus provides the ability to move files between FTP servers and Google Cloud Storage via FTP-GS Task
FTP-GS Task accepts a source FTP URI and can transfer single or multiple files based on input to a destination location in Google Cloud Storage. The resulting uploaded list to Google Cloud Storage is saved to a parameter for later use within the Workflow. The source FTP can be of types SFTP, FTP, or FTPS.
Front Panel
Flip Panel
Add a FTP-GS Task
1. Under Add Task, select the desired position from the "Add to position" drop down list, then click +FTP-GS.
FTP URI Source
2. Specify the Source FTP URI.
a. Wildcard character * can be used to specify a file pattern. For example, below will export all files under the report folder with file name matching the pattern 2016*.csv:
b. Parameters can be used.
GS URI Destination
3. Specify the Destination GS URI.
a. The URI must be prefixed with gs://
b. The bucket must already exist and user must have write permission to the bucket.
c. If the URI ends with / (no file name is provided), then the file name from source will be used. For example, the destination file name will be 20161031.csv:
d. If the wildcard character * is present in the source FTP URI, then Destination GS URI must end with /. For example:
e. Parameters can be used.
Loaded Files List
4. Specify where to store the Loaded Files List:
a. By default, the list of loaded file names delimited by comma, will be assigned to the parameter <var_taskId_return>. User can select a custom parameter of string type instead from the drop down list. The selected custom parameter will become workflow-owned.
FTP Credentials
5. Provide credentials for FTP.
a. Click on the link Options
b. Select the FTP type.
c. Provide the username and password. Parameters can be used. Though not recommended since the password will be displayed as plain text
d. Note: if the password contains reference to a parameter and that parameter exists in the workflow, parameter substitution will apply. For example, if the password is p<var_n>wd and var_n happens to be a parameter, <var_n> will be substituted with the parameter value
e. Password length cannot be more than 245 in characters. The password is encrypted so there is no way to edit it. To change an existing password, a new password must be provided to replace it.
- The maximum file size that can be exported from the FTP source is 32 MB.