Owned, Delegated, Shared, Get Started Examples, and Public Workflows are listed in Workflow Browser.
Workflow Browser lists Workflow by owner, number of tasks in Workflow, whether or not a Workflow is scheduled, who created the Workflow and when, who last modified the Workflow and when, and when the Workflow was last run.
Icons links are available for each Workflow providing a quick way to view, edit, show history, and archive.
Content of Workflows can be searched and front end Workflow information can be filtered.
Archived Workflows can be optionally displayed in the list.
The Workflow list can also be filtered by displaying only owned, delegated, shared, or public Workflows.
- Home icon: take user to Magnus main landing page
- Refresh icon: Refresh the page to the latest results
- Scope selector:
- Owned workflows: show only the workflows the user is owner of.
- Delegated workflows: show only the workflows the user is delegate of.
- Shared workflows: show only the workflows that are shared with user.
- Get Started Examples: show only examples.
- Public workflows: show only public workflows from user's billing projects and viewable projects. When this option is selected, the following public workflows are returned:
- Workflows with Owners from the same billing project as the user.
- Workflows with Owners from viewable projects of the user.
If the user has viewable projects, user's projects are listed in the options in the order of billing project and viewable projects:
- Max results: User can adjust how many workflows to retrieve. Whenever Max Results is adjusted or the Search button is clicked, a new set of results is retrieved from the metadata store, ordered by the current sorting order.
- Content search: get workflows from the backend server that contain the search term.
- Filter: filter workflows based on the input text on client side.
- Show Archived: Check it to include archived workflows in results.
Results can be sorted ascending or descending by clicking the small arrow next to each column title
Row example and action buttons
- Tasks: the number of tasks in the workflow
- Enabled: is the workflow enabled or not
- action button to open the workflow in view only mode
- action button to open the workflow to edit
- action button to open Workflow Tree Explorer
- action button to show run history of workflow
- action button to archive the workflow
Last Run At: This describes the date and time of the most recent execution of the workflow via manual, schedule, remote, or Execute Workflow Task.
When a workflow is shared and is executed via Execute Workflow Task as shared workflow, the run-at date/time is not captured.
So, "Last Run At" for executions via Execute Workflow Task only applies for non-shared workflows.
Just click on workflow id (first column) will open in least restricted mode
Workflow can also be accessed/opened via Workflow Permalink
- The first line will show a summary how many workflows were fetched, and only 30 workflows per page will be displayed.
- The second line will show the number of pages and by clicking different numbers it will show the next 30 workflows and so on.
- Exit button will take user to the Magnus main landing page.
Workflow Tree Explorer
Workflow Tree Explorer is a tool that can be used to explore any Workflow details without accessing Workflow editor.
is the icon that is used in Workflow Browser to access Workflow Tree Explorer for that specific Workflow.
Clicking will open a popup that has all the information for that workflow
Disabled Tasks will appear as gray color and can be hidden by clicking on “Hide Disabled Tasks”
User can hover over any Task name or Workflow name and short tooltip details will show up as below.
User can click on to expand a Task of type Execute Workflow Or Loop. And click to collapse an open Task.
User can click “Expand All” button to expand all collapsed tasks and click “Collapse All” button to collapse all expanded tasks.
If the parent task has no tasks like empty Loop Task, or Execute Workflow Task that is calling Workflow that has 0 tasks. A message No tasks will be displayed.
If the parent task is Execute Workflow task that is calling a Workflow that the current user has no access to. A message No permission to view this workflow will be displayed.
is used to view Task or Workflow details (read only)